Friday, August 17, 2012

i got everything that i need! boo boo pee pee pee!

this is definitely a magical time for my husband & i.  the boy is coming into his own, developing his own quirky personality (which mirrors our own, surprise surprise).  lately he's gotten into busting out random songs he makes up all on his own.   like he'll play w/ 2 action figures as if they were fighting, but they'll sing opera-esque their fighting moves.

[lex luthor/ryu]: i will do my haduken now!
[batman/ken]: aaarrrgh! & now i will do my sure-you-can!

--[ominous music]:  dun duuun dun dun dun DUUUUNNN!!!

 & sometimes he'll take a familiar song & replace key words.  like this for instance, from "the muppet movie":  

"i got everything that i need! boo boo pee pee pee!"

see what he did there? how golden is that, ya'll?

"the light side or the dark side?  decisions, decisions..."

i <3 this goofy boy so much.

1 comment:

  1. "boo boo, pee pee pee"
    "...golden is that..."
    Your puns are funny!!
