Friday, March 23, 2012

go, power rangers go go gooooo!!!

i don't know what i'm gonna do w/ myself this weekend.  the hubby will be in lexington, ky for a comic book & toy convention...& because of my non-art related job, i'll be here.  working.  do non-art related stuff.  :(  i'll just have to keep my mind off his absence by working hard & sleeping away the pain.  *siiiiiigh*  well, if you read this & will be attending the con, drop by the MAW Production's booth & pick up a few Jetta books, some Muley prints, & maybe even a green power ranger print.

& tell Martheus his wife says, "I MISS YOUUUUUU!!!"
go go, power rangers!  green ranger print by martheus wade.  i laid down flats.  :)


  1. You should have dropped by MidSouth and said hello.

    1. dude, i was dead tired. i couldn't make midsouthcon OR the lexington con because i was working ALL DANG DAY for the gs 100th event. i got home @ about 9pm & crashed.

      d'you have pix? did ya'll have fun? i haven't even gotten around to checking out midsouthcon's fb pg.
