for most of my life, say about 25+ yrs, i've lived in the same city. every spring & fall the trees explode w/ pollen & send out their tiny yellow dust into the air to coat the cars & make people miserable w/ allergies. i was among the few who could walk around boasting i wasn't allergic to ANYTHING. my lil sis can't wear anything other than gold or else her skin breaks out, & she & my father get the itchy/watery eyes & runny/stuffy noses during allergy season(s). but no, not me. i was unscathed...
...until now.
what is it about having a baby that throws your entire body out of whack? it's like after i had the boy, my hips pop like some1 banged a baseball bat against a tree. my rosacea turned full blown to where i have to take Rx to keep my face under control & normal looking. & now the allergies. my faithful body, after 25+ yrs of fighting the good fight against foreign invaders just decided to give up. it just laid down & said, "nope, no more, janet. you're gonna have to suffer like every1 else."
so i had to visit the doc to get a sinus cocktail shot & MORE Rx to just function normally w/out my nose running/sneezing or my head feeling like it's in a fishbowl. sucks. very. much.
pth. ok, i'm done ranting about that. now onto other things! like bracelets! <~~nice segue, yes?
so to get to know me further, because i know you wanna stalk me (*shifty eyes*), i'll give you a rundown of some of the things i do (or would rather do) when i have the time:
& the last is what i've really been getting into this past yr. even though i don't wear a lot of jewelry, i like making jewelry. specifically jewelry that have themes to them. take a gander...
"her majesty"- SOLD! |
"her majesty" (detail) - SOLD! |
"string of black" - SOLD! |
"string of black" (detail) -SOLD! |
"gathering of crucifixes" - $12 |
"gathering of crucifixes" (detail) -$12 |
"all you need is love" silvertone charm bracelet - $15.00 |
"all you need is love" (detail) - $12 |
"ooh lala! - SOLD! |
"ooh la la!" (detail) - SOLD! |
"spring green" - $15 |
"spring green" (detail) - $15 |